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Thursday, January 31, 2008
They always say - Once bitten twice shy.

Obviously I'm not heeding it (yet) 'cause I'm still lagging behind in my work and there's still no motivation coming my way. ARGH. I really feel like stabbing myself.

This is shit.

The day has ended.

Sunday, January 06, 2008
While people are busy making new year resolutions (or have already made), I'm preoccupied with things like planning my timetable, online shopping, watching vcds and so on. What a way to kick-start my new year - nua all the way.

The past few weeks have been filled with fun and laughter, and a bit of catching up with the good old clique too! This is a lil' outdated so please bear with me for awhile yea.

Have been spending a large fraction of time with the beloved AKI eye-candy (HAHA!). Had a wonderful X'mas eve dinner at the most unimaginable place ever - Rooftop. DANG! We went grocery shopping and headed back to the ghost town-like hall to cook. Oohlala.

The phone's camera isn't too good so the food don't look as appetizing but they really were superb! And I made him get tealights to spice up the atmosphere. Muahaha!

The pepper-marinated salmon.

Boiled vegetables.

Beer-boiled Bratwursts.

Mushroom soup with croutons.

Alas, the main course which stuffed my stomach totally (Pardon the salmon being so black, it was the poor lighting).

Cheapo but nice chilled wine (using js' mini pail for ice).

Mango pudding. Hurhur.

Gift exchange: An Espirit belt for the portrait of this uber chui shot of me, and a new nalgene bottle to replace the lost one! :)

The both-also-chui picture.

And the I-chui-but-he-not-so-chui one.

We made our way to Kent Ridge Park after midnight (Haven't even heard about this place even though I'm a student here for half a year already.). Oh boy, it was beautiful. We could oversee the ports from the top and the crane lights made up the splendid night view.

Again, some blur slots from the chui phone (Hey, I tried my best already).

On X'mas day itself, we satisfied our craving for IKEA meatballs! Then, it was dinner at seanie's place in the evening and chilling out overnight at chong's.

We had a 'heart attack' gift exchange session and it was hilarious. Drinking games after that and we got sze kai 90% to being drunk and he was puking all the way till dawn after that. Tsk tsk. Good friends we are, seriously.

The aftermath of mahjong (I had already fallen asleep).

Nern pok trying to act musical.

7 dwarfs (And it so happened that all of us aren't tall).

Spent a great time cycling around the estate with chong in the morning. (Oh man, I miss jy again. Boo.) The girl has been MIA for quite some time already. Hope you're doing fine over there my dear friend! *FEBRUARY FEBRUARY, QUICKLY COME QUICKLY COME*

Okay, back to topic. Hmmm? It was Chingay practice in the lazy afternoon of New Year's eve and steamboat dinner at home with my family and mr.Fong, the invited guest! Muahaha. I was forcing him to finish up whatever leftovers and in the end, both of us got real full.

I think he was trying to impress mummy by helping to clear the dishes after that. HAHA! Slowly made our way down to the airport after that (not exactly slow, thankfully, because the bus driver was darn fast. If not, we would have counted down on the bus already).

So in the end, we spent the first moment of the new year walking through T3. Wow. It wasn't as spectacular as I thought it would be but still fairly nice.

Met up with the block dee peeps to send cailin off and celebrate kaiwen's birthday.

We were having fun, playing boardgames over there.

Photo-taking at 5am!

(Again, I reminisce the time when jy and I nua-ed at the airport. "It takes 3 laughs for the skytrain to arrive." Insider's joke.)

Off I go, you-tubing and munching on soft cheese digestives! :)

The day has ended.

Monday, December 31, 2007
I'm finally settled down at home (the cosy yet messy corner of my room) to blog. And now - an answer to the puzzling emo entry before.

What else but results?

I'm not exactly that sort who will be much affected by academic matters, 'cause I always deserve it when I score very badly. You reap what you sow, you see. However, things are a lil' different this time round. The system is just so different from the one I've been going through for the past 12 years. I'm so accustomed to failing all the way to the final exams.

Well, I did it again in this very first semester. It sucks even more when all around me are so intelligent and hardworking (like majority CAP 3.5 and above).

I feel damn stupid.

Really stupid.

And because of this, its time to question myself. Am I really suited to stay in hall? Nah, I don't think so.


The day has ended.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Kinda sad. Feeling regretful about the past, depressed about the present, worried about the future.

I don't think I'm up to it. Sigh.

The day has ended.

Monday, December 10, 2007
Sometimes, I really hate my boyfriend.

JianGuo says (3:33 AM):
hey i got a half slping photo haha

Ah, la peaceful melody. says (3:33 AM):
ya the funny look. lol!

JianGuo says (3:35 AM):
zzz.. crop me out hahah

Ah, la peaceful melody. says (3:36 AM):
no need la. so handsome!!

JianGuo says (3:36 AM):
go n die

u fat pig


Ah, la peaceful melody. says (3:36 AM):
u idiot!

The day has ended.

Monday, December 03, 2007
3 papers down. 1 more to go. Yet, I'm still procrastinating. WTH?

Went out to study today. Tried some yummy ice cream waffles at Haato. The rum n' raisin is DAMN NICE LA. Yum yum.

Gying! I'll bring you there when you're back! I was surfing around for some nice cafes and chill-out spots. And I just can't help but think of you, girl. :) Simply thought of how we can go nua there from Feb onwards. Touched or not! You'd better be la.

* * *

Gonna go around the island for a yummy food spree after Wednesday. Seriously, you got me into deep shit la. I just eat non-stop now. Zzz. Ditch-me-if-you-can. Muahaha.

Its not exactly a secret but I'm not trying to declare it widely too.

Just displaying my happiness. :) (You better jog with me every night!)

The day has ended.

Sunday, November 25, 2007
After msn-ing with gying last night, I'm all hyped up to update! Not exactly the right time to do so. But nevermind la, slack so much already, a lil more wont kill. (YEAH RIGHT.)

Really really dont have the time to blog when I'm in hall. I'm not in my room most of the times you see. I'm always Walking-Around-Aimlessly (in short, Waa-ing - quoted from shaojie, that penguin). Its a normal sight to see people waa-ing. And then, I started hopping from level to level.


Eventually, I landed up at a certain level (HEE.) Next up was night cycling, which was super duper memorable (HEE-HEE.) And then I stopped going home on Saturdays, to watch teevee and play card games throughout the night.


You see me going for breakfast almost everyday too. Woo.

Okay, I'm getting nowhere. That's the point. I'm trying to be sickening here.

Then came my birthday! Oh wow. MF peeps dropped by and 'surprised' me with a cake. But I was rushing my essay dued on 2359 before my birthday. Ended up writing a lot less than expected and submitting late -_- (But everything is well now 'cause I've just gotten my grade and WOW, I think its birthday luck.)

The dee-blockers celebrated for me too with a whipped cream cake and the big-head song. Thanks ah!

The preparations, for the "fantastic song".

Then, they started singing!

I blew the candle on the whipped cream "cake".

Of course, this is the expected result.

"Why your head bigger than mine?.."

Mok ponding me.

And I kanna-ed the real one. Haha.

But poor val got it too.

Nevertheless, we're still one happy family!

Chilled the afternoon away at holland v with dee peeps and it was practically an eat-non-stop day.

At cold rock for desserts.

They had this lovely swing and we just had to take a photo on it.

So handsome and pretty. HAHA!

We were just too happy.

Alas, everyone's in it! :)

Dinner was at the secluded dempsey hill and the ambience was simply perfect. (Erm, yeah. Just the two of us. :) Hee.)

Seanie and gang gave me a pair of uber-shiok speakers and I spent the next day chilling with them. Its just great to sit down and talk to seanie-poo, sipping the evening away.


Finally, I saw my first ever dreamhouse being built from scratch and saw it on my table on the Sunday morning. :)

All I can say is,

I'm a happy girl.

The day has ended.

Yeah! I'm going for supper now!

Hmmm. You know what? Put your wishes on msn and they might just come true, though a lil slow.

"Boyfriend, please drive me out for supper" - if anyone can remember that. ;P

Supper, here I come!

The day has ended.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sean (mum's friend) is damn zai. She can eat the currypok, talk to mummy over the phone and drive safely at the same time. Ultimate multi-tasker. Up la.

My life now comprises of 3S - Sleep, slack, study. (in order of importance).

Oh man, that sucks.

* * *

He is so......

cute :)

The day has ended.

Friday, November 23, 2007
Seriously, you should be old enough to take responsibility of your own actions. What the hell are you doing man?

Please wake up. Damn it.

The day has ended.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Its a gloomy Tuesday afternoon!

I'm not done for the day yet, sad to say. It'll only end when the sun sets and that's when jojo starts to play. Hmmm...

Haha. It has been hell week since last Saturday. Essay and test and test and essay. OH MY GOSH. Almost died.

Have been in Sheares for more than 2 months, and yes, F.Y.I. I'm in Block E. But I know (oh yea the whole world knows) that I only spend my sleeping time (well, maybe my bathing time/surfing the net time, etc) here.

This kinda sucks 'cause I'm don't really know what I'm doing now. I'm more or less obligated to join the block's activities, but I'm not exactly doing so. On the contrary, I'm looking forward to other inter-block comm meetings.

Things just get worse everyday... Now I don't even know if I'm gonna stay next year.


Well, on the lighter note, when things get too bored during study sessions and in the midst of those draining essays, people do weird things...

May I present to you,

'The Terrible Fate of Mr. Hello Panda!'


The day has ended.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Argh. A failed attempt to study alone at mac. I've wasted 3 hours already, staring into blank space (my textbook, in fact), and occasionally dozing off.


Home. Hall. Mac. Then where? I am so stranded. There's nowhere else for me to study.

My span of concentration is decreasing exponentially. Sucks man.

2 essays. 3 tests. 2 presentations.

I'm so dead.

Can I eat the book and notes and let diffusion take place in my blood and make its way to my brain and let the neurons take over from there?

I don't like my tertiary workload. :(

The day has ended.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The start of my hectic week! The ironic thing is, I'm still feeling all relaxed.


Snap me out of this, someone.

I've already laid out a daily timetable, but at this rate, I'll be lagging behind from tomorrow onwards.

What the hell.



I must finish my stuff by Sunday! So I can go out and watch soccer matches! Haha. I managed to catch like the last 20minutes of the match yesterday with 3 Man Utd fanatics (we spent alot of time touring around Yishun and finding a parking slot).

It was Prataaaaaa after that. I gave bomb a miss 'cause i foresee my weight shooting up within the next 2 months. Shiat!

I'm looking forward to the weekends now. Hurhur. However, it'll be an action-packed one this week 'cause it'll be tuition-madness everyday from Friday onwards.

* * * SIDE-TRACK * * *

QUEK QUEK! LEEHOM AUTOGRAPH SESSION! Been a year since we last saw him.

Sobs and cries and whines.

* * * BACK TO TOPIC * * *

Finally met Seanieeeee yesterday and he bought some yummy Bakerzin mooncakes with truffles inside. DAMN SHIOK.

Gonna meet up with Kenken! (goodness, wonder-what-made-me-think- of-this-disgusting-name-out-of-a-sudden)

I miss tioman la :(

The day has ended.

Sunday, September 23, 2007
I realise that in some corners of my mind, he is still around.

They are so much alike. Everything - the looks, the smile, and the way they speak.

It was me, who was stupid enough to let the fun I've been having engulf me. It seems so long ago since we talked. I mean, really talked. Let me see, was it July?

Okay, it sounds like merely 2 months. But within this short frame of time, I've been enjoying myself far too much that I've lost touch with the outside world.

I feel bad, without taking the initiative to keep in contact, and yet, start to feel remorse now.

What's the point, seriously?

Yeah, its kinda obvious that we can't change things back to the way it was half a year ago. But secretly, I'm praying for it.

My hope of it happening just grows with the number of words I'm tying now.

I realise that deep down inside, I still miss you, my friend.

The day has ended.

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hall is sucking my life away.

I've neglected too much. My studies is in jeopardy. My family and friends - I just can't find time for them.

I suck.

I can't prioritize. People like me shouldn't remain in hall. In the first place, I wasn't even supposed to be here.

But still, there is so much more that outweighs the agony.

I can only find comfort from other places, and not the one I call my own. How sad.

The day has ended.

Monday, August 13, 2007

We won!



Rag 0708 was indeed an experience. After a month and a half of dance practices, our efforts were finally paid off. I've gained so much. Its simply undescribable.

7 out of 10 awards. And the Chancellor's shield.

I will never forget the moment when we all stood still, holding on to one another, with one common dream.

I love my SEA OF ORANGE.

The day has ended.

Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm at vonnie's house now and she's sleeping soundly, so I have to type this very very slowly and quietly.

Many things happened in the past week, with great twists and surprises. But I am glad to say that they're mostly positive.

Full dance practices started on Monday and they're quite tedious at times. But I had fun anyway. I feel so comfortable just by being there, because it really makes me feel at home.

We had a raggers party on Friday, with a low freshie turnout rate (only 6). Haha. The theme was MAFIA, duh. We played lame orientation games in the middle of the studio and had to drink whenever we lost. Its the first time I ever got groggy from drinking. DANG!

The good-looking freshies.

The hottest bodyguards. HAHA!

DEAN!!! (aka my Brad Pitt) MUAHAHA.

* * *

After much disappointment and anticipation, I've finally got a place in hall. Really, cheers to the many seniors who helped put in a good word for munnie and me and gone through so much trouble to pull us in.


This means we can officially join SHY and SWOC! Happy!

The day has ended.

Sunday, July 08, 2007
I had a hearty meal, one made with LOVE!

That's a hell load of baked beans I know, wrong estimation. Haha. Told ya I love Sundays, its the only day when I have home-cooked food. :)

And when I transferred the pictures from my phone, I remembered this.

The difference between a normal fish burger and one that has been in the microwave for toooooo long.

Tuition has resumed last Monday and I had my second lesson today. She's still an angel. Hee. Many have been saying things like 'WHAT? The pay is pathetic.' or 'my brains are meant for teaching older students, primary school kids are too easy for me'.


I beg to differ. So what if you guys are undergraduates, it doesn't necessarily apply that you're good enough to teach secondary school or JC kids. Don't judge.

* * *

Woo, free tickets to HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF PHOENIX on Saturday! I-was-so-crazy-over-Dan-Radcliffe-then-and-my-heart-still-melts-when-I-see-his-pictures.

OH-SO-CHARMING. (what the hell am I doing, using You-Know-Who lingo. -_-)

Off I go, to continue chapter4 of the book. How on earth will I be able to finish it by Saturday. Die liao.

P.S. I've added pictures for the previous entry!

The day has ended.

Its either I've been too busy, too lazy or too chocolatey(?) to blog.

Flag Day's finally over! After months of preparation, we finally saw our fruits of labour. It really was tedious. PHEW. Now, gonna cross fingers for everything to sum up to a decent amount.

One week ago, I was back from arts camp (okay I know I'm really lagging). It was good! Yeah ASKARI! Best OG and best councillor (Karen) for AFRO house and best mascot for the camp!

Hee. The activities planned were really... WOW. Although the intensity was a little scary (having to sleep for approximately 4hrs daily with the next day filled with games and packed with minimal breathing time), I was truly amazed by the programmes and detailed planning.

Yea, I had my share of unhappy moments during the camp. And things weren't exactly settled yet. Sigh.

I need, I want, I desire.

* * *

Anyway, two camps down and one more to go (make it two PLEASE.) Rag practices will be starting, full form, in about a week's time. Hopefully, we'll get rooms for convenience and of course, for the fun factor. Just in case... Hmmm. (bahhh.)

I just don't get it, most of the times.

Why do things always fall apart when one yearns most for them? Then, this is when I recall the pendulum theory, which can easily apply to many things.

Well, maybe that's it.

The day has ended.

Saturday, June 23, 2007
OH MY. I actually spent 50mins in the toilet. CONSTIPATED! Well, I guess it was a good 'workout'. Perspired like hell. DANG!

I feel really sinful after consuming some botak jones dinner. The worst thing is, I actually didn't feel bloated (which I usually do) after the meal. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY STOMACH, INFLATED SIA!

Muahaha. I finally got back my dose of Ghost Whisperer! But I'll miss it next week, due to the camp. Oh. Speaking of the camp, I don't wish to go clubbing with them. I can't really stand this kinda pandemonium.

I think I just might have something on during one of the camping nights you know... *Looks around.

Finally, the long-awaited weekends are here! This week passed exceptionally fast, don't you guys think so? Or is it just me? Perhaps.

Next few days are gonna be fun! MUAHAHA.

The day has ended.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Shoobid Kenneth. He has to wake me up when I was having my evening nap. I can't get back to sleep! And now that I'm awake, my stomach is rumbling again!

I think there are worms in it.

I've been bingeing like crazy ever since I came back from the camp last weekend. All the efforts put in to exercise are all gone to waste. BAHHH. What can I do? (I'm munching on some cookies as I'm typing this.)


Eeeks, I'm disgusted by my own act. Double chins, flabby arms. OH NO MY WORST NIGHTMARE!

*Shall jog tomorrow, shall jog tomorrow*

Hee. Some highlights of the past week!

When we were at Sentosa! We were the only two girls in the group who remained dry throughout. The others got ponded. LOL.

At gying's place, celebrating mongmong's birthday. LOOK AT NERN'S SPASTIC FACE. WAH LAO, super kiam pa. HAHA!

And that's mongmong and me!

Muahaha, I just love the good ol' MF gang. There will always be laughter when they're around, and that can't be found with any other ordinary clique. Hmmm, maybe except OG13 (yeah CORAY!)

BINGRONG (aka my husband who divorced me a gazillion times) WAS HILARIOUS I TELL YOU! We couldn't stop laughing at his dumb army stories.

Too bad he divorced me again. Nevermind, I'll try harder next time.

Wait for me ah RONG RONG!...

The day has ended.

all about jo

rongrong AKA the-guy-who-divorced-me

June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
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June 2007
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November 2007
December 2007
January 2008